Ever wondered what it’s like to own your own Tuscan farmhouse? The
day-to-day activities involved in living in, running and maintaining such
place, the lifestyle it affords you, what it’s like to live more sustainably, or
how permaculture works in practice? Then why not try a holiday with a
difference and learn from us?
We left our lives in England behind us when we bought this house in the
summer of 2014 not only to live in beautiful Tuscany, our favourite holiday
destination, but also to make important changes to our lives so that we
could live more in line with our values, reduce our footprint on the planet
and start living what we hope will turn out to be our dream.
We have realised that we are not alone in these dreams and that we may be
able to help others seeking for a more rewarding life away from the
drudgery of the daily grind and that we would be in an ideal place to help
those of a like mind.
So we’ve decided to offer heavily discounted rental rates for anyone that
wants to be involved in day to day life here with us, get their hands dirty
and taste the life of a Tuscan farmer while learning not only about the
farm itself but we’ll gladly talk to you about the house buying process
and the infamous beauracracy along the way.
Depending on the time of year the jobs range from olive picking and
pruning, tree felling, wood cutting and splitting, strimming, land clearing, harvesting
whatever we have growing, preserving of whatever we have harvested, feeding animals, and a whole host
of other manual activities, life here is active and not for the faint hearted but if that doesn’t worry you then
it may be the best holiday you’ve had.
We can tailor each trip individually to suit and we’ll adjust the rental costs based on how involved you’d
like to be, whether it be a couple of hours in the morning or a six hour shift for bigger discounts and we’ll
even cook for you! So just get in touch with us to find out how we can make this suit you.
Detailed instructions
ready to print including
photos to come soon.